How Do I Know If I Have a Parasitic Infection?
Warning: We don’t recommend reading this right after eating, as it may gross you out. The content that follows is somewhat disturbing, but it’s critical for stopping leaky gut symptoms.
So for anyone struggling with a big bloated belly, embarrassing gas, or loose and smelly stools, this information will be life-changing.
9 out of 10 Americans are Living with Parasites
We’re talking about nasty critters like tapeworms, roundworms, and cryptosporidium.
It’s easy to contract parasites, even when living a clean and healthy lifestyle. They sneak into our bodies from eating undercooked food, drinking tap water, touching infected door knobs, even walking barefoot in the grass.
Many of these parasites set up shop in the gut, where they can tear holes in the gut lining and cause uncomfortable digestive symptoms. But that’s not the only type of havoc they can wreak.
Common Signs of Parasite Infection
As we mentioned, gastrointestinal signs tend to be the most common:
- Pungent gas
- Bloating
- Stomach cramps
- Nausea or vomiting
- Loose stools
But the misery of parasite infection can extend beyond the GI tract. Here’s a list of other surprising symptoms that may result from parasite infection:
- Fatigue
- Weight loss
- Constant hunger, even after eating a large meal
- Joint pain
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Skin rashes or hives
- Poor sleep
- Itching and irritation of the anus and genitals
- Repeat yeast infections
As you can see, parasites can make their hosts feel miserable in a wide variety of ways.
Fortunately, there’s a simple, all-natural gut fix that can flush out parasites for good.
And it has nothing to do with typical gut cleanses, detoxes, or probiotics.
This powerful remedy was used by the ancient Egyptians and dubbed as the “green fairy” for reasons you’ll soon see.
Click here to watch this jaw-dropping video for all the details.
Once again, the same disclaimer that we used at the beginning of this article applies.
Some may find the video unsettling or gross, but the information it contains can be life-changing for anyone suffering from parasite infection.
Tap the image below to ditch those unwelcomed parasitic “friends” for good.
Tap below to watch before it’s too late.